HYLO® DUAL - Eye drop - Candorvision


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HYLO® DUAL is a preservative-free artificial tear which acts as a 2 in 1! It addresses mild dry eye AND allergy symptoms all in one drop! Must be used in children 6 years and older. HYLO® DUAL is contact Lens Compatible. Format: 300 drops per bottle. Up to 6 months after opening.


• HYLO® DUAL offers immediate comfort because it is moisturizing and protecting your eyes from dryness and irritation for a long period of time. HYLO® DUAL is preservative-free and phosphate-free. It relieves itching and burning caused by inflammation AND allergies.

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HYLO®DUAL eye drops contain Sodium Hyaluronate and Ectoine. Ectoine is a natural substance formed by microorganisms to protect themselves from extreme environments. Ectoine has a strong water-binding capacity. The water surrounding Ectoine forms a barrier which protects cell membranes from coming into contact with allergenic substances. Ectoine also has a stabilizing effect on the lipid layer of the tear film causing it to spread evenly over the eye surface and protecting against the evaporation of tears. Sodium Hyaluronate and Ectoine provide intensive long-lasting lubrication of the ocular surface and protect against the evaporation of tears to relieve itching and burning caused by inflammation and allergies.